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  • Writer's pictureghost fey

Winterstar - Cryogen Leader

Updated: Dec 8, 2019

As the current leader of Cryogenclan, Winterstar has a clear quick plan to achieve her goals. She pushes the boundaries of her mind and body as often as possible, making sure there is always more room for improvement in her heart. She tries to keep her clan members concerns first and foremost and believes listening is the best way to a happy and healthy clan though at times she can be rather bullheaded when it comes to old rules.

Winterstar believes in the rules set in place before herself, and has a tendency to stick to the rules as closely as possible. She refuses to take risks on anyone outside herself, and often times ends up taking on more responsibility. Outside of being a bit controlling, she struggles with wanting everything to be perfect and ends up falling short of her desires.

One of her favorite things outside of leading her clan, are the grand stories of the famous warrior from her clan, Smokeytrails. In times of need, she calls upon him for guidance and finds some form of clarity in his old stories. She believes that following the old ways of Smokeytrails is the way to success and spreads her love for the old warrior as much as she can.

Recently Winterstar has taken an interest in the clans history and events, and recently revived the bi-annual Winter Swallow event, which follows the shift in seasons and game, while also celebrating the success and failures of the year. She finds herself enjoying the group gathering to be a great bonding experience and helps break in the shy new kits into the clan.

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