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About The Clan

The Clan

Located in the mountains the clan consists of cats with thick coats and large paws. They live on the left side of a mountain range where the mountain dips off into a snowy desert, void of any life outside of the rabbits and elks that wander the area.

The left side of the mountain is bare and without much trees or shrubbery. On the right side is a running waterfall of fresh water where a forest of winter trees grow. The cats use this waterfall as drinking water, believing it to hold healing properties.

The clan is very reclusive and tend to opt out of meetings with other clans. They’re very in touch with their spiritual sides, and are often disgusted with how other clans choose to run. They only take the bare minimum of what they need, and only stock up when a storm is approaching*. They use all that they can out of carcasses and tend to push the limits of their creativity.

A large part of becoming a warrior in the clan relies not only on your abilities to hunt but your resistance to the cold and how in touch you are with nature. You may not pass as a warrior if you cannot stand the overnight trials of staying in The Great Dark* which is closely monitored by their seniors.  You may also not pass if a certain set of problems are not solved in a creative or unique way.

A symbol in the CyogenClan is the holly parasite (also known as mistletoe). They strongly believe that if they collect the holly to decorate the outskirts of their territory then the holly will leech off the lives of harmful cats and malevolent beings.

*The Great Dark - Is a dip between the mountains, almost like a ravine where it goes so far down all that you can see is a deep abyss. The area down there has been described as cold and unforgiving as drafts of wind are often picked up from cracks in the mountain that carry through. They are to stay in the abyss for the night and may give in at any time.

This trial is build a sense of communication between the warriors, to help them set aside their differences in the face of danger and come together to help make sure all of them survive. Though there is no real danger there can be some serious frostbite due to the trails and a few clan members wear their missing limbs as a badge of honor to have served in the trials.

*Stocking up for winter storms - After living in the cold, empty wastelands of the mountains, the cats have perfected a system to sniff out oncoming storms and harsh winters.

Culture within the clan - 

A large part of growing up within the clan is the story of old Smokeytrails. A cat born years back, who had a horrible sense of smell but a heart of gold and a desire to be one of the best warriors of his time. 

Since smelling your prey before you could see it, is a major part in hunting, everyone scoffed at him. However he, through determination, made it through Cryogenclan's warrior trails, and went onto be one of the best warriors in the clan. 

Being one of the three warriors sent out during one particularly bad snow storm and returning back with enough food to save the clan from starvation. 

He is story is often told to aspiring young warriors to inspire them to go above and beyond.

The clan cats
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